In the short video below I’ll explain the ‘Predictable Revenue’ concept fathered by
Aaron Ross, one of the head sales gurus at Salesforce, and how to implement it at
your business.
If you know your numbers behind your lead generation, you can create predictable
revenue for your organisation and predict your growth. I know what you’re thinking
– the words ‘predictable revenue’ instantly signals off sirens of ‘too good to be true’,
but it’s actually very simple to implement if you know your simple conversion rate
Predictable Revenue Numbers Example:
1. 100 Cold Calls = 50 Leads (50% conversion
to lead)
2. 40 out of 50 Leads convert to demo (80% conversion to demo stage) 3. 15
out of 40 demos become paying customers (37.5% conversion to paying customer)
*** Average customer = $2K *** Sales process = 6 weeks Conclusion = From 100 Cold
Calls, you will make $30K in 6 weeks based on this conversion rate.
SALES MOTIVATION = Rather than looking at lead generation as a chore, look at it
as the fuel to your business growth and by knowing your numbers, those calls/
emails/ walk-ins will with 100% certainty increase your bottom dollar!